
18 luglio, 2006


I'm a living sunset
Lightning in my bones
Push me to the edge
But my will is stone
Fools will be fools
And wise will be wise
But i will look this world
Straight in the eyes
What good is a man
Who won't take a stand
What good is a cynic
With no better plan
Reality is sharp
It cuts at me like a knife
Everyone i know
Is in the fight of their life
Take your face out of your hands
And clear your eyes
You have a right to your dreams
And don't be denied
I believe in a better way

Ben Harper


At 10:43, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Come รจ stato il concerto?Bello?
Anch'io sono andata all'arena ieri..ma ho fatto la ragazza impegnata e ho visto la "Carmen" di Bizet..comunque l'arena piena di persone fa sempre un certo effetto!
Baci a tutte!


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